Thousand flower honey – 31 grams


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SKU: MP000120220008 Category:

Many areas do not have dominant vegetation, or the dominant plant is not used by bees. And this is shared by other non-dominant plants. When the plant cover used by bees is made up of a wide variety of plants of which some have more presence than others, but without a clear majority of any, the honey that is collected is called “Milflores”.
The color of multifloral honeys is usually light amber, those from the prairie to dark amber, those from the mountains.
Its dominant aroma is floral, more or less persistent, although depending on the cases it may carry characteristic notes of some of the important blooms that have become part of its harvest.
Its dominant taste is always clearly sweet, but it can be nuanced by acid notes if there is a presence of citrus, labia and rosacea, salty notes if there is a presence of honeydew or bitter notes if the chestnut blossoms are involved.
They are honeys that tend to crystallize, depending on the flowering they crystallize in thick crystals or fine crystals.
These types of honey are used for everything, they are the ones that usually add a sweet taste to all kinds of preparations, infusions, soft drinks, juices, snacks, ice cream, dairy products, fish, white meats, desserts, etc, etc, etc…
This honey is specifically harvested in the Serrania de Ronda at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level.


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